If you require advice from a doctor for whatever reason, please telephone the surgery from 08.00am and request a callback from one of the doctors in the surgery that day.
Our staff handle a large number of telephone calls in the morning as efficiently as possible. Your call is important and will be held in a queue until a receptionist is available to speak to you.
Our reception team will ask about the nature of your call in order to direct you to the professional best suited to respond to your problem in the fastest time-scale.
The doctors will endeavour to phone you back as soon as possible with in the next few hours, but please bear in mind the large volume of calls they may be handling, and so please be patient.
If the doctor feels you require a physical examination, they may ask you to attend the surgery, usually the same day.
In order to give each patient adequate time to assess their problem safely, the British Medical Association has recommended a limit to the number of consultations a doctor should undertake each day.
If you have a problem that needs to be assessed the same day and all the doctor apppointments have already been filled, the duty doctor may be able to help.
If your enquiry is of a urgent nature, the receptionist or call handler may direct you to dial 999 or the emergency services.