Local Community Services
Community Services
iThrive is a one stop shop with useful self help tools to help you manage your Mental Health
iThrive | Home (ithriveedinburgh.org.uk)
Telephone Based Support - Living Life 0800 328 9655 - A free telephone based service for people feeling low, anxious or stressed.
Moodjuice http://www.moodjuice.scot.nhs.uk This website is designed to help you think about emotional problems and work towards solving them.
Living Life to The Full http://www.llttf.com self help course for anxiety and depression, information leaflets and workbooks.
Get Self Help http://www.getselfhelp.co.uk Online CBT course with worksheets, guides, videos and self help MP3s
NHS Inform Mental Health Self Help http://nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/mental-health CBT based self help guides on a variety of mental health issues.
Counselling Services:
Crossreach Counselling
Tel: 0131 552 8901
- Anxiety, depression, workplace problems, perinatal service
- Self refer or third party
- No fixed charge, contributions encouraged
- Simpson House, 52 Queen Street, EH2 3NS
- North East Edinburgh Counselling Service
- For residents of NE Edinburgh only
- Free but donations welcomed
- 31 Haddington Place, Leith Walk, Edinburgh EH7 4AG
- www.neecscounselling.org.uk, Tel: 0131 557 4478/ 07498 520377
- PF Counselling Service (Pastoral Foundation)
- Donation basis, £5-£45 depending on circumstances
- 8 Balcarres Street, Edinburgh, EH14 1BB
- www.pfcounselling.org.uk, Tel: 0131 447 0876
- Wellspring www.wellspring-scotland.co.uk, Tel: 0131 553 6660
- Individual, couple and group sessions
- Fees on sliding scale, between £25 and £75 per hour based on income, £10 admin fee
- 13 Smiths Place, Edinburgh EH6 8NT
- Hope Park Counselling Centre
- http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/health/hopepark/home
- They ask for a contribution for each weekly counseling session of between £2 and £30. Ability to pay does not affect your access to counseling.
- 8 Hope Park Square, Edinburgh EH8 9NW, Tel: 0131 650 6696
- Counselling in Communities
- http://www.cocoed.org.uk
- Depression, anxiety, bereavement, abuse or violence, relationship difficulties
- They ask for a contribution for each weekly counseling session of between £10 and £45. Ability to pay does not affect your access to counseling.
- They are based at the Pleasance, EH8 9RR
- They also offer outdoors counseling
Other resources
NHS Lothian Mental Health Information Station www.services.nhslothian.scot/mentalhealthinformationstation
Tel: 0131 537 8688 It provides a source of support, information and signposting. It is staffed by mental health specialists from the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), peer support workers, volunteers and third sector partners.
Juno: http://www.juno.uk.com/ Useful information about perinatal mental health and where to find support, including their network of peer support groups.
Edinburgh Women’s Aid: https://edinwomensaid.co.uk Tel: 0131 315 8110 The drop-in and phone support provides information about choices concerning domestic abuse, such as housing options, benefits, welfare rights and legal issues, as well as emotional support.
Emergency Contacts
Mental Health Assessment Service (MHAS) - Tel: 0131 537 6000/ 0131 286 8137
24 hr service offering face to face mental health assessment at RIE /REH
NHS 24 - Tel: 111 www.nhs24.com
Edinburgh Crisis Centre 0808 8010414 www.edinburghcrisiscentre.org.uk
Edinburgh Samaritans Tel: 0330 094 5717 www.samaritans.org/scotland/branches/edinburgh/
Breathing Space Tel 0800 838587 www.breathingspacescotland.co.uk open to anyone but primarily targets men aged 16-40 with low mood/depression; (Mon-Thurs 6pm-2am and weekends 6pm -6am)
A full list of helpful apps can be found under the Apps section on the iThrive website, cost varies across apps but there are many free and subsidised ones also.
Mindfulness based app with meditation and relaxation techniques to help with anxiety and depression
Cost: Monthly £9.99 Yearly £49.99. If unemployed in the UK then can get free premium subscription
Worry Tree
The Worry Tree app uses cognitive behaviour therapy tools to help you manage your worries and create long-term habits to improve your mental health and wellbeing
Cost: Free
Sorted: Mental Health
The Sorted: Mental health app is an NHS approved app which is available to everyone living in Edinburgh and Lothians. The app is a series of relaxing audio tracks (Positive Mental Training) which are evidence-based for aiding recovery from depression, anxiety and stress. The programme also improves sleep, confidence and coping, increasing mental wellbeing and resilience.
Cost: Free – Username edinchpf1 Password: positive
5 Ways to Wellbeing, tips to get that balance:
5 steps to mental wellbeing - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Daily d.o.s.e infograph - brain chemical help!
How to Get Your Daily DOSE of Happiness — Mind My Peelings Happiness or lack thereof affects everyone and can contribute to poor overall health. There have been numerous studies linking depression to the reduction of happiness chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin. |
Supporting Central European Communities
There are some local supports available to people from Poland which you may find helpful:
The Polish Family Support Centre:www.pfsc.co.uk
Our aim is to address health inequalities, promote integration and support the well-being and human rights of CEE communities. We provide culturally sensitive psychological support; community groups; advice and advocacy; immigration advice limited to the EU Settlement Scheme.
Support for people from Ukraine:
Local Resources
Piershill Library – The City of Edinburgh Council
What’s On – Friends of Figgate Park
Holyrood Park – The City of Edinburgh Council
Edinburgh Visitor Guide - Accommodation, Things To Do & More | VisitScotland
Just Eat Cycles (edinburghcyclehire.com)
one parent family