Repeat Prescriptions
Please allow 5 full working days for repeat prescriptions to be processed
There is a 5 day turn around for repeat prescriptions. Please let us know your preferred pharmacy by writing it on your repeat slip and your prescription will be sent to the pharmacy for collection. We would strongly encourage all patients who have already registered online to please start using it and to prevent unnecessary trips to the surgery.
Please allow 5 full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.
If the medication you require is not on your repeat prescription list, it may still be possible to issue a prescription if it has recently been issued. If we can't issue a prescription, we'll tell you, either by phone or (preferably) SMS. Please ensure we have your correct mobile number, you can update this by completing the change of details form under our 'Online Services' tab above.
Unfortunately we are unable to take prescription requests by telephone.

Trouble Ordering Online?
This may be because your medication is due for review by the GP.
The frequency of review depends on the medication and the condition for which it is prescribed.
In some instances, the GP will be able to re-authorise the medication by reviewing your medical records, but in other circumstances you may be required to make an appointment to discuss your condition with your GP before more medication can be safely issued. We will inform you if this is the case.
We understand that this may be frustrating but please bear with us, as we maintain safe prescribing and your health and wellbeing is of paramount importance.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication may be asked to see or speak to a pharmacist, doctor or nurse to review medication. This is to ensure that your medication is prescribed safely.
Please be aware of any messages on the right side of your prescription, which may include requests to make an appointment with a doctor or pharmacist.